High Throughput Antibody Characterization Services

antibody characterization service

Antibody based therapeutics constitutes a major portion of drug discovery research today. However, antibodies as drugs or diagnostic agents present significant analytical challenges because antibodies are large, complex, and heterogeneous molecules. Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) is a powerful analytical technology that is well suited for analyzing and characterizing antibodies. SPR can be used to measure the antibody-antigen binding kinetics, perform epitope binning and epitope mapping. The latter may be used to identify antibody pairs for developing high-precision ELISA or multiplex assays.. Aviva Systems Biology is combining decades of antibody and ELISA research expertise with the innovative Carterra LSA to provide high throughput antibody characterization services.

Benefits of antibody characterization using the Carterra LSA

    • High throughput: Kinetically screen and rank up to 1,152 mAbs, 384 clones at one time in parallel

    • Low sample usage: Only < 200µl of each interactant required

    • Rapid data analysis: Powerful software tools enable large data-sets to be rapidly fitted and visualized and automatically validated against several data quality parameters

    • Detailed data mining: Interrogate mAb panels via interactive on-rate, off-rate, affinity and iso-affinity plots

    • Data integration: Combine binning and kinetics screening data for un-paralleled mAb evaluation


Aviva offers the following antibody characterization services:

Contact us and receive a quote within 24 hours. Email: info@avivasysbio.com Phone: 858-552-6979

Screening & Kinetics

Aviva understands the challenges associated with antibody library screening. Utilization of the Carterra LSA enables high through put screening of up to 384 antibodies at a time.

Simultaneous kinetic analysis of 384 antigen/antibody binding interactions using high throughput SPR

Screening & Kinetics

(Left) The results from a single capture kinetics assay where a monovalent target (analyte) was titrated over 384 antibodies, each captured onto individual spots of a 384-array. Each panel represents the global kinetic analysis on a single spot; all 384 spots were analyzed in parallel (some spots are excluded).

(Bottom) Enlarged view of the data from 3 spots showing antibodies that bound their target with diverse kinetics (low, medium, and high affinities, from left to right).

Epitope Mapping and Binning

In epitope binning, antibodies are tested in a pairwise combinatorial manner, and those that compete for the same binding region are grouped together into bins. Aviva utilizes a premix eptipe binning strategy where the antigen is saturated with a mAB analyte in solution. This preformed antibody/mAB complex is then tested for binding to an immobilized mAb, its binding response is compared with that for antigen alone. The premix strategy for binning experiments saves significant time and manpower.